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Monday, June 21, 2010

MEGA Ustream tonight at 9 PM (ET)

Hey gang!

I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been visiting my site & watching my videos!  I figured I would try to do a longer show in the evening, to reach more people as well!

So, what are we going to be doing tonight?  I figured the show will run from 9PM-Midnight?  Perhaps even latter than that.  I'm going to start a concept and finish it.  Nothing overly rendered, but something I can called finished.

If you have any questions about anything, come stop by!  I'll be answering viewer's questions & showing examples if people need any help.  Want some help drawing an arm?  Ask me!  I'll try to the best of my ability to illustrate and vocalize a solution.

So thanks for your time, and I hope to see some of you online tonight!  Take care!

In case you are not familiar with my Ustream channel, here is a link for you!

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